Building Out a Clean, REST-ful Web Api Service with a Minimal Web Api Project
Image by Matt MacGillivray | Some Rights Reserved In a previous post, we saw how to create a minimal ASP.NET WebApi project template, so that we can avoid some of the bloat and complexity inherent in the standard VS WebApi...
Creating a Clean, Minimal-Footprint ASP.NET WebAPI Project with VS 2012 and ASP.NET MVC 4
Image by frankieleon | Some Rights Reserved The default WebApi project template that ships with Visual Studio 2012 has a lot to offer in some respects, but is less than ideal for either learning your way through the impressive...
Modeling a Directory Structure on Azure Blob Storage
Windows Azure has matured nicely over the past few years into a very developer-friendly “Infrastructure-As-A-Service” platform. While many of the recent public announcements have been focused Azure Websites,...
Understanding Windows Azure Blob Storage (A Quick Overview)
Image by Bob Mical | Some Rights Reserved In the course of the past two years Microsoft has made significant strides in creating a developer-friendly experience for using Windows Azure. From a rather disjointed (and to me, poorly...
Splitting and Merging Pdf Files in C# Using iTextSharp
I recently posted about using to manipulate Pdf documents in your C# application. This time, I take a quick look at iTextSharp, another library for working with Pdf documents from within the .NET framework. Some...
Working with Pdf Files in C# Using PdfBox and IKVM
I have found two primary libraries for programmatically manipulating PDF files; PdfBox and iText. These are both Java libraries, but I needed something I could use with C Sharp. Well, as it turns out there is an implementation...
.Net DataGridview: Change Formatting of the Active Column Header to Track User Location
I bumped into a question on StackOverflow this evening that I felt might make a short post. Accompanying code is available at my Github repo. The guy who posted observed that the standard .net DataGridview control provides a...
C#: A Better Date-Masked Text Box
John on Google CodeProject Let’s face it. Managing date information within the .net framework (or any framework, really . . . Java is not much better) is a pain the the ass. Really. What makes it even worse is managing user data...
Getting Started with Git for the Windows Developer (Part I)
I am a late-comer to version control in general, and, having grown up teaching myself programming in the Windows/Visual Studio/C# realm, It took the growing prominence of Github to draw my attention to what is currently the most...
Visual Studio: Use Conditional Compilation to Control Runtime Settings for Different Deployment Scenarios
Compile for Distinctly Different Environment Configurations CodeProject NOTE: Source code for the example project in this article can be found at my Github repo. I already understand most of this. Take me straight to the code! I...