
Blog Evolution–a Slow Burn . . .

Alright. I have now added the url for this blog to my Twitter and G+ pages. Kinda scary. The site feels incomplete, and I am still feeling my way through putting content together. Also, I am using (mostly) pre-fab template, which totally rubs me the wrong way. I have made some minor mods to it, but it is slow going, as I am learning ASP.NET at the same time. I expect to have something awe-inspiring soon (not that the template by rtur, which is the basis for what you see here, is not good. But I really want to do something of my own . . .).

If you followed a link here, more will come soon. I need to finish the "Excel Basics" series, both for "blogging practice" and because it will assist me in putting together a training for staff at my day job, most of whom are starting at, well, the very beginning.

Thanks for dropping by. Come back and see how things are progressing. I am eager to begin exploring some actual programming topics, but wanted to get the pieces in place first, because, well, I just can’t stand to make an ass of myself!

Dana White vs. Anonymous: SOPA/PIPA and Due Process
Here we go . . .
Taking Harvard Computer Science for Free
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